Claypot turtle soup is a dish that everyone enjoys. So, what makes turtle soup claypot such a much-loved dish? This broth offers a distinct herbal taste yet is highly flavourful due to the multiple species present in the dish. Its distinctive flavour makes many people go for another serving.
Claypot turtle soup is also a luxury delicacy containing multiple healing properties; another reason the broth is a must-have for all ages.
Visiting a turtle soup restaurant and relishing claypot turtle soup is a tradition many Singaporeans follow!
Tourists too must enjoy flavoursome dishes by visiting a famous turtle soup restaurant such as Ser Seng (Herbs) Turtle Restaurant.
In this article, we’ll share our thoughts on why snapping turtle soup makes for a delicious dinner!
Snapping Turtle
Snapping is a turtle species of sizable freshwater found in North America.
They are known for their large size and aggressive nature and are tan to black and have a rough upper shell, a smaller cross-shaped lower shell, a long tail and a large head with hooked jaws.
Snapping Turtle Meat
Snapping turtle meat is both delicious and healthy. Lean meat is considered a delicacy in many countries and is both light and dark in colour. The meat contains 50% less fat than beef or chicken and is full of protein, vitamins and minerals.
The snapping turtle is said to have a distinct taste that runs across a spectrum of fishy to beefy, and its flavour is influenced by cooking methods. It has a beefy taste and texture and is usually compared to veal in terms of both flavour and texture; it comprises great and savoury fat.
Let’s look at some of the health benefits Snapper turtle soup provides:
Snapper turtle soup has many health benefits. It is an excellent nutrient and an essential source of vitamins A and C. You can make this dish a part of your daily diet when eaten in moderation and combined with other vitamin sources.
It is extremely low in saturated fats and sodium, making it a healthy option.
Enjoy A Bowl of Healthy Claypot turtle soup at Ser Seng (Herbs) Turtle Restaurant now!