Everything You Need To Know Before Using Chlorine Cylinders

by Chloe Tan

The use of chlorine is pretty common in day-to-day life, especially to clear up water bodies. They are available in big cylinders, and handling those products with extreme care is of maximum importance. Chlorine is used in water treatments for disinfecting swimming pools, drinking water, ornamental ponds, wastewater and sewage, and other forms of water reservoirs. 

Handled With Extreme Care:

This gas can further be used as a disinfectant, algicide in the food processing systems and microbiota, and even in pulp and paper mill systems. You can see its usage in the industrial and commercial water cooling systems too. These firms will be using bigger versions of chlorine cylinders used for storing the chlorine gas under high pressure.

If handled without care the cylinder may burst and cause accidents, which can prove to be even fatal to some extent. So, starting from the first point of filling the cylinder with chlorine gas to its final usage, everything needs to be done with utmost care and preventive measures. 

  • Chlorine is mainly formulated as pressurized and distributed in larger stationary containers like tank trucks or cars or even in 150 pounds to 1-ton cylinders.
  • These trucks or cylinders are mostly intended to be used by experienced and trained professionals only and even under the strict supervision of the registrant.
  • The experts are only liable to use the cylinders after following the municipal and state regulatory requirements. 

The Residential and Occupational Exposure:

Most of the time, the chlorine gas is metered into the water through some closed systems within the manufacturing processes or from stationary containers like cylinders.

  • Based on the current usage pattern of chlorine for water treatment, there might be a potential for inhalation or dermal exposure to the applicators. 
  • Even others might get exposed to chlorinated water as the swimmers, workers in the food processing industry, water or sewage treatment workers, and more.
  • OSHA has established some occupational exposure guidelines along with other foreign and domestic sources. 
  • The pre-application exposure to chlorine while swimming in those treated water bodies is not proven to be significant. It will only happen like this if the labeled requirements are proficiently followed.

There have been many accidents and injuries reported because of manhandling the chlorine cylinders, especially in the pesticide sector. In some parts of the world, maximum accidents happen while maintaining or failing the equipment of the chlorinator systems.

The most common exposures can be seen in the food processing units. There has been a significant amount of reports attributed to the application errors. There might be some residential pool-based incidents as well, but most occurred when connected with the commercial or public pool chlorinator systems. Incorrect application of the chlorine gas will result in some degrading results and might prove to be fatal in some instances.

Complying With the Current Labeling and Regulation Needs:

All the end products which have chlorine like the chlorine cylinders must always comply with the current regulations of EPA and the labeling needs. The rules will specify the labeling needs and guidance in detail, which all the chlorine manufacturers must follow while working on chlorine cylinders.

  • The end-use label must always address the specific intended use of the chlorine cylinder. It must also talk about the specified directions to use the cylinder.
  • The cylinders must be labeled properly for the restricted use sites or even for general use sites, not both.

In case you need one such chlorine cylinder for your commercial or residential use, make sure to get it from a reputed service provider only. Top-notch suppliers are waiting to help you!

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